5 Book series I plan not to finish

This week topic for Top Ten Tuesday which ThatArtsyReaderGirl.com is the founder of is 10 series or trilogies I don't plan to finish. But I actually don't have that many series that I don't plan to finish, so for this week, I had to narrow it down to 5 :)

I started to listen to this series on audiobook and I liked the first one and gave it a 4 star rate, so I continued with the second book. The second book called Crescendo turned out to be more of a 3 star book for me and after that, I wasn't that much into this series. I have no plans to listen to the third book in the near future :)

This one I also listen to on audiobook and I had high hopes for it, but I ended up rating it 3 star and it wasn't a book for me. So, I'm pretty sure I will stop with this first book.

Last year I bought the whole series of 4 books and I ended up reading only the first one. The rest is standing on my shelf and keep staring at me and I have no idea when or if I will ever pick them up and finish the The Iron Fey series :) The first was ok, but it's like I don't feel drawn to continue the series, so I'm pretty sure I won't finish it.


It's not that I don't like The Mortal Instruments and I'm still curious about other books by Cassandra Clare, but I don't think I will finish this series honestly. I own the first book and I've listened to 1 or 2 other books in this series on audiobook, but further, than that, I haven't come.

There will always be other book series that appeals to me more, so I don't think I will be able to finish The Mortal Instruments.

Sorry, but I can't take these books anymore. They are so tiring and I was sick of it after the half of the first book. I own 2 of 3 and I know for sure I won't read any more of these :)  I'm not fond of the movies either, but I did give them a chance. 

One part of me can somehow understand why people like them, but my other part can't :)

Here you have it, these 5 book series is probably the one I won't finish or have plans for it in the near future.

Have you completed any of these series and what are your thoughts? 


  1. I completed the Hunger Games trilogy and the Fifty Shades trilogy. I remember flying through both series and finding both strangely addictive. The writing in FSoG was terrible, but for some reason I just couldn't put them down. Not sure why.

    Visiting from TTT

    1. Yeah, I think you love those books or hate them :) For me they were too boring. I like the first book of Hunger Games, but feel like it's not a series I crave to read more of. Glad you liked them though.

  2. I am so torn about Kagawa's series. Because I loved her Blood Of Eden books, or at least books 1 and 2. I still need to read the last one. And while I didn't dislike The Iron Fey, I didn't love it. Which is so sad for me. As for the rest, I'm on the fence about even starting the Hunger Games, and as for Fifty Shades, that is one series I won't be reading.

    1. I did like The Iron King, but that's it. Not a big deal and I don't feel drawn to continue the series.

  3. I actually want to START the Iron Fey books haha! 😂I feel really behind with them since they're kind of old?! Oops. But I'm with you on Hush Hush. 0_0 The second book was a real plummet from the first (okay that feels like a terrible angel pun...forgive me!😂) and I have 0% interest in ever trying 50 Shades, so I guess I'm saving myself a lot of hassle there haha.

    1. Yes, I recommend you not even try 50 Shades cause they are too much :) It's just this attraction between two people and nothing happens, it's boring honestly.

  4. I don't think I'll continue on with The Mortal Instruments either. It's an extremely slow series for me, and there's just way too many books at this point.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. Yes, it's many books to go through. Thank you for stopping by :)

  5. I've started both the Mortal Instruments and Iron Fey series, and I agree with everything you said. However, I really want to give those two second chances. Great post!

    1. You should give them a chance, for me I just have too many other series I want to read instead :) Hope you'll like them when you come further with those series.
