Weekend Question

Yesterday I came over this fun weekly question from the Swedish book blogger Mias bokhörna and thought it could be fun to participate in this :)

I've definitely noticed that more book bloggers are moving more and more to Instagram, just because it's easier to reach people with their posts and book reviews. I had another book blog before this one but made the choice to put it down and focused on sharing more reviews on Instagram than just post pictures of what I'm currently reading and so on. 
But after a little while, I realized that this won't work for me! 

My reviews got so briefly and only with my own thoughts on the book, cause it was difficult to write that much on Instagram. What the book was about and why maybe I didn't rate the book so high. In a blog post, it's easier to share in more details what I really feel about the book. 

Honestly, I don't read reviews on Instagram when people post long reviews on there. Instead, I look and like the picture and then I google the book instead :) But if the person has posted the review on their blog as well, I don't mind to check out the blog. 

I prefer to just use Instagram for the pictures and as a compliment for the blog. I decided to release this blog and be a book blogger again, so I can write more easy about books and in a book blog you can write about anything related to books. You know, it doesn't have to be just reviews :)

I am glad that there is still amazing book bloggers out there who keep creating content for us who like to read blog posts and want to keep book blogging alive!


  1. You're probably just right in time, I saw that Therese Lindgren just started a blog, and I'm quite convinced she knows what's working. The blogs may not at all be about to end, in spite of Instagram, Snapchat etc. Good luck to all of us that keep on blogging :)

    1. Oh, didn't know she has a blog now :) Yes, hopefully we will manage just fine with our book blogs!

  2. Yes, I agree we´ll keep on bloggging.

  3. Jag läser helst på bloggar på Insta försvinner de så fort.

  4. I think they just complement each other. I love bloggs for books, Instagram for baking and twitter for other things.

  5. Läser recensioner och boktips på bloggar, eftersom jag varken har smartphone eller Instagram, blir ju liksom inget svårt val då. :D

    1. Nä, det blir ju ganska självklart i ditt fall då :)

  6. Det är lättare och roligare att läsa längre recensioner på bloggar. :)

    1. Ja, det är ju lättare att bilda sig en uppfattning av boken då.
